We have a wealth of information in our blog and this is one of those articles which helps explain some of the price action, especially in equities and earler in USDJPY today.
Again, not tooting my/our horn, because frankly Jay who runs GVI is the one to listen to most, but … in case you missed it about a week or so ago, Michael (who I know a bit) and I called the Euro bottom (I filled one pip from the low) and everyone thought we were nuts going long. Its possible we are worth paying attention to. The volatility this morning is my kind of market, I get bored waiting for a 3 pip run that takes 10 hours, fast break is my game on the basketball court. Agree with Jay, hard to make a case for long US dollar today.
Yen pairs did the exact opposite of everything else on the data and I’ve been aggressively selling EurJpy with quick trades on pull ups. Now we see if those pairs join the risk on tone. US 2yr note is firmly bid from 102’10 so that is a good spot to consider some positions if it gets there. The market will ordinarily test the starting point roughly, hence the pullback occurring.
Not tooting my horn just pointing out that this transpired and nothing post-CPI has changed this dynamic –
(posted yesterday early US session)
Internals showing AudJpy wants to go over the figure, time will tell. Interestingly the sell cycle in Sterling remains intact but internals are a scorching bid, so either Sterling breaks uphill strongly today or tomorrow and establishes a new buy cycle with higher full figure prints targeting 2900 + or continues to decline toward 2780. Perhaps consider the offer around 2900/10.
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